Tutorial about Performance Curve

Performance Curve shows the balance of Discharge Head and Water Discharge

<Exsample> How much is the total head of discharge volume where Air Supply Pressure is 0.5 MPa and Water Discharge is 20 l/min ?

The discharge head is the value on vertical-axis of Point:A. Point A is the intersection of the straight line, which crossing through the point 20 l/min on holizontal-axis, and the Air Supply Pressure curve value 0.5 Mpa.
Where you can acucumlate the Air Comsumption by the proportional distribution of Air Comsumption curves which the both side of the Point A.

Air Supply Pressure is given by following formula.

{ 200 Nl + (300 Nl - 200 Nl) x CA / CD }  ( Nl / min )

  • Nl (Normal Liter) means the air amount which is not compressed air amount but transfered rate of atmospheric.
    It shows flow rate of air (litter per minute) under uncompressed, standard atmosphic pressure.

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